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THIS WAS frontier country. Beyond the sod walls the world ran away in vast, dark sweeps to distant, black mountains, as yet far from being definitely named or correctly placed by the world's geographers. Across this wilderness man had charted a thin line of travel, marking it with the plodding hooves of oxen, with the creaking wheels of prairie schooner, with his own boot and moccasin prints. Since the first wild cry of gold had echoed out of the sunset, thousands of wagons and tens of thousands of weary but dogged humans had traveled over that thin, charted line, and they had marked it not only with the tracks of the living, but with the graves of the dead. And still they came, even though their first mad cry of gold had dimmed somewhat, for land was there to the west, also—free land, virgin land. And land hunger is one of the oldest known to man.L.P. Holmes
Bleached Bones At Scalpknife Station

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