This author list links to all of the authors on the Pulp Fiction Book Store web site. Use the key below to find authors by genres.
Crime and Mystery,
Fantasy and Horror,
Science Fiction,
Abdullah, Achmed 
Adams, Andy 
Anderson, Poul 
Asimov, Isaac 
Ayre, Thornton 
Ballard, W.T. 
Barlett, Landell 
Barnes, Arthur K. 
Barney, B.H. 
Bates, Harry 
Baxter, George Owen 
Bedford-Jones, H.

Bellem, Robert Leslie 
Binder, Eando 
Birch, A.G. 
Blackwood, Algernon 
Bloch, Robert 
Bonham, Frank 
Bowen, Robert Sidney 
Brackett, Leigh 
Bradbury, Ray 
Brand, Max 
Burroughs, Edgar Rice

Campbell Jr., John W. 
Carse, Robert 
Caspary, Vera 
Cave, Hugh B.

Chadwick, Paul 
Chambers, Robert W. 
Chidsey, Donald Barr 
Churchill, Edward 
Clarke, Arthur C. 
Clevely, Hugh 
Coburn, Walt 
Cole, Jackson 
Colter, Eli

Convict 12627 
Cummings, Ray 
Curry, Tom 
Cushman, Dan 
Daniels, Norman A. 
Davis, Norbert 
Dellinger, E.S. 
Diffin, Charles W. 
Douthwaite, L.C. 
Drago, Harry Sinclair 
Drummond, John Peter 
Dunn, J. Allan

Dyalhis, Nictzin

Echols, Allan K. 
Endicott, J. S. 
Ernst, Paul 
Faust, Frederic Schiller 
Fearn, John Russell 
Fischer, Bruno 
Fleming-Roberts, G.T. 
Garby, Lee Hawkins 
Gardner, Curtiss T. 
Garron, Robert A. 
Gernsback, Hugo 
Gilmore, Anthony 
Hamilton, Edmond 
Hammett, Dashiell 
Harris, Claire Winger 
Haycox, Ernest 
Heron, E. & H. 
Heuman, William 
Hobart, Donald Bayne 
Hodges, Carl G. 
Hodgson, William Hope 
Holmes, L.P. 
Hopson, William L. 
House, Brant 
Howard, Robert E.

Jones, Neil R. 
Keene, Day 
Kelley, Thomas P.

Kline, Otis Adelbert

Kofoed, J.C.

Kuttner, Henry

La Spina, Greye 
Leinster, Murray 
Leroux, Gaston 
Liebe, Hapsburg 
Linklater, J. Lane 
Long Jr., Frank Belknap 
Lovecraft, H.P. 
MacDonald, John D. 
MacDowell, Syl 
Manners, David X. 
Manning, Laurence 
Masur, Harold Q. 
McCulley, Johnston

McGivern, William P.

Meek, S.P. 
Merritt, A.

Merwin Jr., Sam 
Miller, P. Schuyler 
Montanye, C.S. 
Moore, C.L. 
Mulford, Clarence E. 
Munn, H. Warner 
Newsom, J.D. 
Nowlan, Philip Francis 
Olmsted, Harry F. 
Pendarves, G.G. 
Perowne, Barry 
Poe, Edgar Allan 
Pratt, Fletcher 
Quick, Dorothy 
Quinn, Seabury 
Raine, William MacLeod 
Repp, Ed Earl

Rice, Jane 
Rohmer, Sax 
Roscoe, Theodore 
Round Robin

Rousseau, Victor

Russell, Eric Frank 
Sabatini, Rafael 
Scanlon, C.K.M. 
Sheckley, Robert 
Sheehan, Perley Poore 
Simak, Clifford D. 
Smith, Clark Ashton

Smith, E.E. ‘Doc’ 
Snell, Edmund 
St. Clair, Margaret 
Steele, Gunnison 
Sterling, Brett 
Stevens, Francis 
Surdez, Georges 
Swain, Dwight V. 
Taine, John 
Tenneshaw, S.M. 
Todd, William A. 
Tompkins, Walker A. 
Torrey, Roger 
Tuttle, W.C. 
Vance, Jack 
Verne, Jules 
Verrill, A. Hyatt 
Vincent, Harl 
Wallace, Edgar 
Wandrei, Donald 
Weinbaum, Stanley G. 
Wellman, Manley Wade

Wells, H.G. 
Wells, Lee E. 
Williams, Robert Moore 
Williamson, Jack

Zagat, Arthur Leo 
Zamyatin, Yevgeny 
THIS WAS frontier country. Beyond the sod walls the world ran away in vast, dark sweeps to distant, black mountains, as yet far from being definitely named or correctly placed by the world's geographers. Across this wilderness man had charted a thin line of travel, marking it with the plodding hooves of oxen, with the creaking wheels of prairie schooner, with his own boot and moccasin prints. Since the first wild cry of gold had echoed out of the sunset, thousands of wagons and tens of thousands of weary but dogged humans had traveled over that thin, charted line, and they had marked it not only with the tracks of the living, but with the graves of the dead. And still they came, even though their first mad cry of gold had dimmed somewhat, for land was there to the west, also—free land, virgin land. And land hunger is one of the oldest known to man.L.P. Holmes
Bleached Bones At Scalpknife Station Icons adapted from 
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Author List
List of all authors on the Pulp Fiction Book Store website.