Mr. Pulp

Up until 2023 we only developed ebooks. Our catalog is filled with over 300 ebooks of some of the greatest stories of the classic pulp fiction era. However we kept getting queries asking whether we had any books published in paperback and regretfully had to say no. Finally, a point came, the requests got so frequent, that we decided to publish some of our favorites in paper for all of you to enjoy.

At this point we are selling our paperbacks through both Barnes & Noble and Amazon. We will add to the link list below as we publish new titles.

Links on the Title and Author columns take you to OUR ebook pages.
Links in the Barnes & Noble and Amazon columns take you to their pages where the paperback editions can be found. Please note there are various titles that are exclusive to the different platforms.

00142 Days For MurderRoger Torreylink
002Black Murder – Four StoriesRoger Torreylinklink
003Ring Twice For LauraVera Casparylink

We’ll be adding to this table as we publish more paperbacks.

It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquillity: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre
MrPulpRibbon300 Paperback Productions
Article Name
Paperback Production
A table of our paperback productions and the links to their pages on Barnes & Noble and Amazon where they can be purchased.
Publisher Name
Pulp Fiction Book Store
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