The Leopard Man and Other Stories by Perley Poore Sheehan

The Leopard Man and Other Stories – Three stories of magic, mysticism, mystery, and the strange unexplainable things that happen in some of the remote corners of the world.


The Coast of Shadows – Five Stories by Perley Poore Sheehan

The Coast of Shadows – Five stories of tragedies, shipwrecks, executions, loss of life and the afterlife beyond this mortal coil.


The Woman of the Pyramid by Perley Poore Sheehan

The Woman of the Pyramid — Netokris, incarnation of the Goddess Isis, Queen of Egypt, she who kills with the flick of a finger; Menni, governor of the Double Palace; and Berenice the slave girl; a love triangle that will play out over five thousand years.


The Complete Adventures of Captain Trouble by Perley Poore Sheehan

The Complete Adventures of Captain Trouble – Pelham Rutledge Shattuck, American wanderer, brawler, fighter in China fulfills his destiny as the incarnation of Kubla Khan. As Shadak Khan, Captain Trouble, he battles the war lords, the wizards and the Tongs of China to bring about the new age of Maitreya Buddha.
