No Good From a Corpse by Leigh Brackett

No Good From a Corpse – Laurel Dane was no angel. She’d changed men as often as she’d changed her hair color, and there was plenty in her past she’d like to forget. But no one deserved to be beaten to death.


Poisonville by Dashiell Hammett

Poisonville is the original set of four stories from 1927 and 1928 that were edited together to become the novel Red Harvest. The Continental Op is sent on assignment to a mining town in Montana to do “some business.” The man he was supposed to meet was murdered before he got to meet him.


The Continental Op-1927 by Dashiell Hammett

The Continental Op-1927 – From ‘The Big Knockover’ to the beginnings of the Poisonville stories, 1927 was a very important year for Dashiell Hammett.


The Time Stream by John Taine

The Time Stream – Can disaster to an entire civilization be averted if diligent researchers roam the time stream looking for it? What if that disaster can only be prevented by denying a couple the right to marry? What if their love is the catalyst for the destruction of the world? How can free will be balanced against world destruction?


The Bounty Hunters by William L. Hopson

The Bounty Hunters – Charley Cogin had plans for the murderer of his sister—plans which included an ant hill, a burning sun, and the privilege of watching an enemy die inch by inch! The rest just think there’s a bounty on Wallace’s head and their greed blinds them to the Mexican bandits and the Apaches they are sure to face.


My Flesh is Sweet by Day Keene

My Flesh is Sweet – On the run in Mexico from the accidental killing of a drunken Mexican general, Ad Conners and Eleana Hayes must somehow make it back across the border to confront a decades-old secret that could destroy them both.


The Petals of Lao-Tze by J. Allan Dunn

The Petals of Lao-Tze – The eighth “petal”, is the final piece needed to recreate the complete golden talisman that is said to have given Lao-Tze long life, perhaps even immortality. Retrieving it from a dead man deep in the Himalayas is the easy part. Bringing it back to a wealthy benefactor is another story.


Bet On Murder – Three Stories by Roger Torrey

Bet On Murder – Three stories of kidnapping, murder, frame-ups, greed and espionage on the World War II home front.


42 Days For Murder by Roger Torrey

42 Days For Murder – It takes six weeks or 42 days to get a quickee divorce in Reno. A lot can happen in 42 days.


The Horrors of Mars by Clark Ashton Smith

The Horrors of Mars – Four stories with two alternate versions about the horrors to be found on Mars, the Red Planet, by Clark Ashton Smith.


The Werewolf Snarls and Other Stories by Manly Wade Wellman

The Werewolf Snarls – Nine early horror stories from Manly Wade Wellman including his first published story and his memoriam on the passing of H.P. Lovecraft.


The Amazing Misadventures of Oona and Jick by Margaret St. Clair

The Amazing Misadventures of Oona and Jick – Oona, Domestic Goddess of the Future and her loving Husband, Jick just want to live comfortable lives and be well thought of in their social set. And not be looked down upon by the Joyzelle Cabot-Cabot’s of this world. Sometimes it all works out, but sometimes it doesn’t. And when it doesn’t . . . .
