The Diabolical Doctor Satan by Paul Ernst

The Diabolical Doctor Satan – Doctor Satan, an enormously wealthy man, tired of all the thrills that money can buy, turned to crime and became a cold-blooded monster. He employs both scientific and occult knowledge to commit fiendish and sinister acts of evil, and spectacularly gruesome murders. Ascott Keane, strangest of detectives, with an equal knowledge of science and the occult, battles against him to save society.


Baron Münchhausen’s Scientific Adventures by Hugo Gernsback

Baron Münchhausen’s Scientific Adventures – In these thirteen tales, Baron Münchhausen is shown to have not actually died in 1797 as was assumed. He along with his companion Professor Flitternix went on to become the first men to explore the moon and even the planet Mars.


Poisonville by Dashiell Hammett

Poisonville is the original set of four stories from 1927 and 1928 that were edited together to become the novel Red Harvest. The Continental Op is sent on assignment to a mining town in Montana to do “some business.” The man he was supposed to meet was murdered before he got to meet him.


The Jewels of Ling Ti by H. Bedford-Jones

The Jewels of Ling Ti – Various buyers of antiques in China, agents for collectors and dealers, compete with each other to acquire priceless objects. While some are honorable men some are decidedly not.


The Dragoman’s Tales by Otis Adelbert Kline

The Dragoman’s Tales – In these seven stories, Hamed the Dragoman will take tourists who come to his city, to the coffee shop of Silat where he tells tales of his life, his loves, his intrigues and his battles.


Monsieur Dupin – The Detective Tales of Edgar Allan Poe

Monsieur Dupin – The Detective Tales of Edgar Allan Poe – With the stories in this collection, Edgar Allan Poe is considered to have founded the genre of detective fiction. These five stories introduced the character of Auguste Dupin and gave us the foundation of “Ratiocination” (or deductive reasoning) from which later detectives such as Sherlock Holmes would claim their fame.


The Moon Trilogy by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Moon Trilogy is a three-part story that begins with a tale of space travel and reincarnation, becomes a tale of military dictatorship, and ends with a second American Revolution.


Dr. Ivan Brodsky, Surgeon of Souls by Victor Rousseau

Lost and broken souls come to Dr. Ivan Brodsky and he does what he must to repair them. Many souls haunt the living, attempting to return to the land of the living. Some souls are confused, some are angry, some refuse to go back to the eternal plain. Dr. Ivan Brodsky helps such souls to their destinies.


The Dream Quest of Randolph Carter by H.P. Lovecraft

The Dream Quest of Randolph Carter by H.P. Lovecraft – These five stories take Carter backwards and forwards through time, across outer space, and across a number of dimensions.


Skeeter Bill by W.C. Tuttle

Skeeter Bill is a horse-thief. An honest one, but a horse-thief, nonetheless. He and his pardner, an old, washed up, drunken Judge, somehow manage to clean up a mining town run by outlaws.


Black Vulmea by Robert E. Howard

Black Vulmea, Irish pirate on the Spanish Main, roams the Caribbean and the South Atlantic in search of treasure. Along the way he battles Indians, other pirates, and the hated English.


Real Ghost Stories by E. and H. Heron

Real Ghost Stories –  The Supernatural Experiences of Mr. Flaxman Low.
Flaxman Low is credited with being the first psychic detective of fiction. These twelve stories of his encounters with the abnormal, the occult, and the supernatural, were first published in Pearson’s Magazine in 1898 and 1899.
