Pulp Fiction Book Store banner
July 18, 2019

Hello Affiliates!

This is just a quick email to let you know that we've added eight new creatives to the ones you have been using. We wanted to give you ad graphics that would target some of our more popular categories and characters so you could get a piece of the action.
The newest ad graphics are all at the 300x250 pixel size and are targeted at the following pages:
  1. Category: Female Authors
  2. Category: Made Into Movies
  3. Character: Captain Future
  4. Character: Conan the Barbarian
  5. Character: Special Agent Dan Fowler
  6. Character: Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective
  7. Character: Jim Hatfield, Lone Wolf Ranger
  8. Character: Ki-Gor, Lord of the Jungle
As always, you can get the ad graphics pre-filled with your Affiliate code and the target link from the Creatives Tab inside your Affiliate Area. All you have to do is copy the code directly under the graphic and paste it where you want it to display.
There are now about 50 ad graphics available to you. If you would like any of these ads resized to something different then just let us know.
Also, if you'd like for us to develop ad graphics for any other characters, categories or tags let us know about that too. We would be happy to help.

Two Examples...

300x250 MadeIntoMovies


300x250 CaptainFuture
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